Orders will be delivered within 3 business days after they are received. Please note that this does not guarantee that you will receive your order within 3 business days due to unforeseeable circumstances.
Orders outside of Massachusetts will take 2 business days to prepare and usually 1 week to deliver. Please call us for additional information.
Delivery Fee: Free of charge for orders over $150. If the orders are $150 or less, it will be $15 for delivery fee.
On the day of your orders’ delivery, the delivery person will attempt to contact you to inform you about the approximate window of time when he/she will be there.
Upon the arrival of your orders, you or your representative (18 years or older) will have to sign the delivery note to confirm the delivery of your orders. If you or your representative are not available to sign, a re-deliver fee may be applied to your order.
If for any reason you are unsatisfied with the products (missing, damaged, defective items, etc.), please notify us within 48 hours. One of our representatives will be more than happy to assist you.